He gets off the airplane......You make sure that your two boys are the first ones that get the hugs from their daddy......They really miss him, they Need the first hugs.....As you stand there wishing you could be the one getting the First Hugs.....Not only do you Need the first hugs.....but you deserve the first hugs.... But alas, you stand with tears in your eyes waiting your turn. His smell is intoxicating.....All the memories come flooding back.....
"Damn, he smells good"
There is so much you want to do and say, and you have 56 hours in which to do and say all of these things. You lay in his arms and everything is right in the world.....You can tell that no one has been sleeping in his arms, all of your worries wither away out of your mind. He's home......
You do your best to make him feel at home....His favorite foods and drinks... He gets the T.V. Remote (which the boys control while he's gone). You can tell he feels a little out of place....because we have a routine....and filling into our routine is different than what he's used to...
And then just like that.....It's time for him to go....This is the bad part of the visit. Everyone is on edge....Everyone is sad..... He wants to stay home with us....We want him to stay home with us......He knows he has to go.......and we know he has to go.... He holds in all emotions......I cry like there is no tomorrow. ;( The boys are crying and are very sad to see him go. He hugs us and tells us he loves us....and walks thru the terminal. There really is no use looking because he won't look back.... He's just got that personality....You know he won't look back......He don't want to see you crying....
You sit in your car and try to explain to your children the reason why daddy has to be gone.....You explain to them that the pain will go away and that daddy doesn't want you to cry..... You tell them that their daddy loves them and wants them to have the Moon and the Stars and is doing everything he can to make that happen for them..... All the while, they cry in your arms. They don't understand..... Hell, I really don't understand. It is what it is.....and that is all I know.
On the way home you hope that you made the trip as best as you could for him, and that he will remember it as a nice trip home. You hope that he didn't get a bunch of grief about the muffins that you made him going thru security..... actually you are really hoping that he didn't throw them out before getting to security.....You hope that his flight back to Dallas is an easy flight cause you know he hates to fly....but he does it for us.
For two whole days you've been nothing but a hot mess.....But tomorrow its time to put your Mommy Big Girl Pants back on ......You can't stay an emotional wreck forever.....Those babies need to see that with every storm there is a rainbow. They need to know that no matter what, You are a Metzger and you need to deal with everything that comes your way. It's how you choose to deal with things that makes you or breaks you. Mommy is allowed a little
le-way because she is the only Female in the house.... and I am the Head Hen....and if I need two days to cry about my husband being gone for another 3 months without me being able to touch him......I will take those days.... and everyone will be okay about it. This life is Not easy......Hell, this day and age...a Good Marriage isn't even easy.......and then add 1000 miles between the two of ya...
We will get through this like we have gotten through all the other obstacles that we have been through in the last 12 years. Sometimes you just need a day off. And when you don't have family around that is willing to step up and say "HEY, WE"RE TAKING THE BOYS FOR THE WEEKEND" well, you are stuck with what you get.....an hour here......6 hours for school there....
I guess my point in this blog is......Don't forget how much of a Bad ass your partner is......and how much you love them......and how much they do for you.... cause more than likely....they won't forget.......
It's back to the Grind!!!
He'd Die for me and I live for him! Nothing else really Matters!
Dang it...you are making me cry! Love this version of the song, too!