I am officially the Proud owner of 7 quarts of Stewed Tomatoes. I sure liked Canning Green beans A whole lot better....Not so much work was involved in Green Beans..... But I am pretty sure now that they are "Clicking" (Sealing) they are going to be Awesome...... I amaze myself sometimes...... I've done so many things this year that I didn't think I'd ever do...... It's like having a Bucket list at 33 years old......LOL!!!
My youngest son helped the most today....They both wanted to help cut the veggies....but I didn't want 3 people with Knives in our kitchen at the same time..... Something was bound to happen..... So they helped put tomatoes in the boiling water and then they helped Peel them. Now, I'm on to finding the perfect Spaghetti Sauce recipe for Canning..... If you know of any please feel free to Send it to me.... My thing is this..... I know how to Google Spaghetti Sauce recipes.......I'm looking for things that People can actually say that they have tried and think its pretty darn good.....
OH and here's another SIDE NOTE..... I got 30 quart Jars today FREE!!!!! YUPPP!!!! That whole WORD OF MOUTH NETWORKING THING WORKS PEOPLE.......... I'm Telling you.......
All I have to do is clean them....and buy lids......
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Friday, July 27, 2012
Taco Seasoning......I did it...and it works
You know when you get on the internet or Pinterest and you see this recipe or this idea....and you struggle with whether or not you can do it or make it.....Well, I had been seeing this recipe for DIY Taco Seasoning.... My Boys eat ALOT of tacos throughout the year..... We even eat Spagetti Tacos..... from I-Carly.....Yes, and they are Good....
I had saved it.....and today decided that I was going to make it..... I did.....and It was Good... We tested it tonight with 1lb hamburger and 1lb deer burger and it turned out really good......
Here is the recipe. I suggest using 2 tablespoons per lb and just a little bit of water......I doubled this recipe and it almost filled a 24 oz. jar that I saved. It was a spaghetti sauce jar. I'd say with doubling the recipe it made 20 oz. of seasoning. I figured that if you used 2 tablespoons per lb. You could make 20 lbs of taco Meat for approx. $10.00.
Oh and in case I didn't tell you......It tastes good too!!! Both of my boys gave it 2 thumbs up!! WOOO HOOO!!! WIN WIN!!! GO TEAM GREEN!!!
I had saved it.....and today decided that I was going to make it..... I did.....and It was Good... We tested it tonight with 1lb hamburger and 1lb deer burger and it turned out really good......
Here is the recipe. I suggest using 2 tablespoons per lb and just a little bit of water......I doubled this recipe and it almost filled a 24 oz. jar that I saved. It was a spaghetti sauce jar. I'd say with doubling the recipe it made 20 oz. of seasoning. I figured that if you used 2 tablespoons per lb. You could make 20 lbs of taco Meat for approx. $10.00.
Oh and in case I didn't tell you......It tastes good too!!! Both of my boys gave it 2 thumbs up!! WOOO HOOO!!! WIN WIN!!! GO TEAM GREEN!!!
I told you that I have just started my list of things that I have started doing...
Raising Chickens
In order to do this on a BUDGET..... Ohhhhh Yes, Nikki just said BUDGET!!!...you need help..... First and formost it is totally in your best interest to tell people that you are doing any of those listed above, if you are doing them. You don't have to say anything about Prepping....In fact...after these first few blogs...You may or may not hear the word PREPPER...... cause its basically just a Not so Fast Lifestyle.... Anyway, my point....
Tell your friends and family that you are doing any of these things..... Finding things for Cheap or Free is really a great way to help on the costs of doing these kinds of projects. Don't be afraid to ask for people to "keep a look out" for items at Garage sales and stores.
Canning Jars:
Once you get the word around that you are Canning....You will get people that say ...... OH, I have a dozen or two of those Old Mason jars in my basement....If you can use them, you can have them...... These are the types of things that Brighten your day..... because people actually throw them away, not realizing how useful they could be to someone else.... Always make sure you by new lids, but the bands are normally reusable. Speaking of, my neighbor just found 14 Wide Mouth Mason Jars in his Garage....Sold them to me for $5.00..... Now to find lids for them..... having a hard time with that....I'll figure it out just will take a few days and a few stores..
Egg Cartons:
I posted on facebook the week we decided we were going to Raise chickens that I would be collecting Egg Cartons if my friends would keep them for me. I have a BUNCH....and I've had 4 people give them to me....Out of those 4, we have probably have 70 or more. They aren't really expensive at TSC (Tractor Supply Company) but cutting any money from the expenses is good.
I had told my neighbor that I was looking to getting into dehydrating.....and the very next day, he brought over 2 dehydrators.. They aren't Excalibur's but they will do for what I want to use them for..... FREE.... just since I had said something about wanting to get into doing that.....
If you are on facebook, get the word out that you are looking to start doing these things....or are looking for free this or that...... I've gotten 4 of my chickens from a Garage Sale site on Facebook just by asking... have gotten alot of really good ideas from Pinterest and just plan ole Google.com ....
I like to Google things and then click Images and find ways to do them myself.. Like Our Chicken Coop.... I printed off a picture of a Enclosure I liked and went to the Hardware store and bought the wood that it took to make it.
Having the mentality.......OHHH, I"M A WOMAN, Women shouldn't get dirty........Well, that just sucks!!!!! I am a Woman, and in the last month I have done some pretty remarkable things all by myself.....with the help of the internet.... lol
Raising Chickens
In order to do this on a BUDGET..... Ohhhhh Yes, Nikki just said BUDGET!!!...you need help..... First and formost it is totally in your best interest to tell people that you are doing any of those listed above, if you are doing them. You don't have to say anything about Prepping....In fact...after these first few blogs...You may or may not hear the word PREPPER...... cause its basically just a Not so Fast Lifestyle.... Anyway, my point....
Tell your friends and family that you are doing any of these things..... Finding things for Cheap or Free is really a great way to help on the costs of doing these kinds of projects. Don't be afraid to ask for people to "keep a look out" for items at Garage sales and stores.
Canning Jars:
Once you get the word around that you are Canning....You will get people that say ...... OH, I have a dozen or two of those Old Mason jars in my basement....If you can use them, you can have them...... These are the types of things that Brighten your day..... because people actually throw them away, not realizing how useful they could be to someone else.... Always make sure you by new lids, but the bands are normally reusable. Speaking of, my neighbor just found 14 Wide Mouth Mason Jars in his Garage....Sold them to me for $5.00..... Now to find lids for them..... having a hard time with that....I'll figure it out just will take a few days and a few stores..
Egg Cartons:
I posted on facebook the week we decided we were going to Raise chickens that I would be collecting Egg Cartons if my friends would keep them for me. I have a BUNCH....and I've had 4 people give them to me....Out of those 4, we have probably have 70 or more. They aren't really expensive at TSC (Tractor Supply Company) but cutting any money from the expenses is good.
I had told my neighbor that I was looking to getting into dehydrating.....and the very next day, he brought over 2 dehydrators.. They aren't Excalibur's but they will do for what I want to use them for..... FREE.... just since I had said something about wanting to get into doing that.....
If you are on facebook, get the word out that you are looking to start doing these things....or are looking for free this or that...... I've gotten 4 of my chickens from a Garage Sale site on Facebook just by asking... have gotten alot of really good ideas from Pinterest and just plan ole Google.com ....
I like to Google things and then click Images and find ways to do them myself.. Like Our Chicken Coop.... I printed off a picture of a Enclosure I liked and went to the Hardware store and bought the wood that it took to make it.
Having the mentality.......OHHH, I"M A WOMAN, Women shouldn't get dirty........Well, that just sucks!!!!! I am a Woman, and in the last month I have done some pretty remarkable things all by myself.....with the help of the internet.... lol
I'm here and Ready to get ready to take on SHTF......
Welcome to my Blog..... My name is Nikki ..... I'm me, Nothing More , Nothing Less!!! I'm in my 30's, married to a wonderful husband that Builds Wind Turbines for a Living, so he travels all the damn time... We are in this Business a year now, and I do Not recommend it for the faint of heart relationship.... We have 2 wonderful Sons ages 10.5 and 6.5. They keep me going.....and going and going.... They are having a ball this summer helping mommy doing all of these Prepper type lifestyle changes....
On July 3rd, 2012 ....Only 23 days ago.....LOL..... WOW.....So much has changed in those 23 days....
I bought a Pressure Canner, neighbor gave me a Dehydrator, Built a Chicken Coop and then put chickens in it....And today...My Boys and I made a little garden... We have actually picked Green beans at our local Orchard....then canned them...... Got some farm fresh corn and Canned it.... My oldest son is really enjoying learning How to "CAN".
I'm sure there is more things.... I just can't remember them all.... Anyway.....We are in Central Indiana and hoping one day to have that house on the acreage that we dream about. That is why my husband does what he does to make a better life for us. I think in another Life that I was Amish!! Seriously, I could soooo be in that sort of lifestyle... I find myself very jealous of one of my Facebook Friends Misty Prepper https://www.facebook.com/pages/MistyPrepper/142248625836043
Everyone should want to be her friend. She doesn't even know me but she is my idol.... And No, I'm not all stalker like.... just love the things that she comes up with baking, homesteading...etc....
We are in the beginning states of Prepping.... Laugh if you must..... but one day...when SHTF (Shit hits the Fan) I'll be a little better suited to deal with it than the average person. I am NOT a Dooms Day Prepper..... that would be my dad.... lol... I'm more along the lines of a Modern Day Prepper..... I want to feel secure in the fact that I can have a stable lifestyle if for some reason the Electricity goes out for weeks or months .... I want to make sure that I can take care of my family if we have to go back to Old resources.... I do not look for or seek an End of the World Day type senerio..... I'm just a Mom who wants to be able to use the land to take care of my family. I want my children to Learn this type of Living. I want them to know how to Hunt, Fish, Farm, Raise animals, From raising them to Killing them for Dinner..... and everything in between. I want them to know the Ins and Outs of The Weapons that they Chose to carry. Not to be Scared of using a Weapon.
We are experimenting with all types of things....and would love it if you would follow our Journey. Please feel free to ask any question or let me know what you think..... I'm all ears....... You will be able to tell that I am Bi-polar in a matter of Blogs.........lol... HAVE FUN!!!! Gotta go..... Farmer with my tomatoes just called......YEAHHH NEWS!!
On July 3rd, 2012 ....Only 23 days ago.....LOL..... WOW.....So much has changed in those 23 days....
I bought a Pressure Canner, neighbor gave me a Dehydrator, Built a Chicken Coop and then put chickens in it....And today...My Boys and I made a little garden... We have actually picked Green beans at our local Orchard....then canned them...... Got some farm fresh corn and Canned it.... My oldest son is really enjoying learning How to "CAN".
I'm sure there is more things.... I just can't remember them all.... Anyway.....We are in Central Indiana and hoping one day to have that house on the acreage that we dream about. That is why my husband does what he does to make a better life for us. I think in another Life that I was Amish!! Seriously, I could soooo be in that sort of lifestyle... I find myself very jealous of one of my Facebook Friends Misty Prepper https://www.facebook.com/pages/MistyPrepper/142248625836043
Everyone should want to be her friend. She doesn't even know me but she is my idol.... And No, I'm not all stalker like.... just love the things that she comes up with baking, homesteading...etc....
We are in the beginning states of Prepping.... Laugh if you must..... but one day...when SHTF (Shit hits the Fan) I'll be a little better suited to deal with it than the average person. I am NOT a Dooms Day Prepper..... that would be my dad.... lol... I'm more along the lines of a Modern Day Prepper..... I want to feel secure in the fact that I can have a stable lifestyle if for some reason the Electricity goes out for weeks or months .... I want to make sure that I can take care of my family if we have to go back to Old resources.... I do not look for or seek an End of the World Day type senerio..... I'm just a Mom who wants to be able to use the land to take care of my family. I want my children to Learn this type of Living. I want them to know how to Hunt, Fish, Farm, Raise animals, From raising them to Killing them for Dinner..... and everything in between. I want them to know the Ins and Outs of The Weapons that they Chose to carry. Not to be Scared of using a Weapon.
We are experimenting with all types of things....and would love it if you would follow our Journey. Please feel free to ask any question or let me know what you think..... I'm all ears....... You will be able to tell that I am Bi-polar in a matter of Blogs.........lol... HAVE FUN!!!! Gotta go..... Farmer with my tomatoes just called......YEAHHH NEWS!!
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